Akwa Ibom Broadcaster Vows to Support Gov Udom, States His Reasons - Gossip Transporters


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Saturday, 27 January 2018

Akwa Ibom Broadcaster Vows to Support Gov Udom, States His Reasons

_A broadcaster in Akwa Ibom Mr. Francis Udo went to witness the monthly congress of the Akwa Ibom state council of Nigerian Union of Journalists, and discovered a surpise package from the Special Assistant to the Governor on Media, awaited him._
He had this to write afterwards on the pleasant surprise:


I was merely having fun, doing what I like to do. I was only being myself, writing about the truth as I know it, calling a spade a spade. All I have done has been to see a good leader in Governor UDOM Emmanuel and always say so; to acknowledge genuine efforts in a forthright leader and publish it. I love doing it always, not because I have any reward in mind except the satisfaction for baring my mind on my conviction.
For doing just this and at my spare moments I received such a towering reward that I am yet to fully recover from.
Friday, January 25, was just another ordinary day and remained so until late afternoon. Then I received a call. The number was not familiar but the voice that came through was, "My name is Essien Ndueso..." It wasn't just the voice but the action that followed completely changed the mood of the entire day and sent me into such joyous shock that has lifted me above the clouds.

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He said he had been following me on Facebook. He had seen my contributions in upholding the truth about the government of Akwa Ibom State and the governor. He appreciates my resilience in the face of scathing attacks from those I call the Leftists (because since UDOM is Right then Left is wrong).
That is how, in a wisp of a moment,   I became a brand new LG 32-inch LED Television richer.

The size of the gift is huge, but it is the heart that publicly acknowledges and appreciates my ordinary pastime that is larger by a world, not just in size but in content.  IT IS A GOLDEN HEART.

For this I'm grateful and I say a big thank you to Hon. ESSIEN NDUESO, SA to Governor UDOM Emmanuel on Media. Thank you Your Excellency Gov Udom Emmanuel. Thank you JEHOVAH our God.
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