By Solomon Nse
Existence precedes essence according to the existentialist maxim i.e. life, friendship or brotherhood is first before every other thing including political interest.
Man is first a being before becoming a politician through self development and actualization.
I started my political expedition in the 90's, despite being quite early I came to meet Hon. Monday Eyo(Murray) and Hon. Anietie Eka, both men I admire, respect and I've learnt from.
They're both friends and brothers till tomorrow, nothing can change that. They may have opposing or conflicting interest on issues particularly of political inclination but that doesn't make them enemies...
I write this script based on what some unscrupulous hell escapees who claim to be supporters of Hon. Anietie Eka are putting up on social media space against Hon. Monday Eyo who is the serving member representing the good people of Uyo in the State Assembly.
These toddlers and kindergarten social media critics thinks spewing invectives by insulting the House of Assembly member would win Hon. Anietie Eka party nomination and election in 2019.
I believe with utmost conviction Hon. Anietie Eka wouldn't ask them to organise such campaigns of calumny and defamation against his friend and brother who wouldn't lead nor support such campaigns against him too.
I'm quite sure these insults are orchestrated by some lunatic and imbecilic henchmen who believe it would please their master by so doing.
I want to let them know elections are not won by specious campaigns, mudslinging and deliberate attempts to underscore one's capacity by casting undue aspersions on them.
It's important these social media henchmen know no one camp has monopoly of insult and campaign of calumny, no one camp can be so imaginatively destructive, no one camp has the ingenuity of an evil genius to decapitate the character of another...
I want those henchmen to know we have nuclear arsenal that if dropped; character, personality and family will definitely crash, families and communities may never recover or be recognized again...
I want you guys to know the nuclear football and codes are with us everywhere we go and the buttons are very functional, we may be forced to use it at the slightest of provocation.
I want to use this medium to advise Hon Anietie Eka to call back his social media hirelings by cautioning them to lunch their attack against Hon. Monday Eyo with caution and inline best practices.
They should choose their words right, dwell on issues and not on personality because I wouldn't like to be directly or indirectly involved in any smear campaign against you nor any other Uyo person.
If this unfair social media campaign continues there will definitely be reprisal of which the result won't be palatable particularly to your personality and character.
Finally, politics is transient, it will come and gone but Uyo our home will always remain.
Remember, there's no clime that political interest replaces humanity, humanity is the real essence of politics let's not destroy it.
Remember, there's no clime that political interest replaces humanity, humanity is the real essence of politics let's not destroy it.
God bless Uyo!
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